Mastering the Mailing Envelope
When it comes to addressing your wedding invitations, how you label each envelope can set the tone for your big day. Whether you stick to traditional etiquette or add a personal twist, finding the right balance is key. In this post, we’ll show you how to blend classic rules with your unique style to create a polished and impressive presentation that will wow your guests. And don't worry—we’ve got your back! We’re here to dish out expert tips and recommendations to help you nail the perfect balance between classic and personal.
Here are some guidelines (both traditional and contemporary) for addressing your envelopes. Either format is acceptable - choose based on your personal style and the level of formality of your event. But remember: Keep it consistent!
How to format the address for a:
Married couple with the same last name:
Formal: Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin or Mr. and Mrs. James Baldwin
Contemporary: James and Heather Baldwin
Married Couple with different last names:
Formal: Ms. Swift and Mr. Brookes or Ms. Sandy Swift and Mr. George Brookes
Contemporary: Sandy Swift and George Brookes
Single Woman invited alone:
Formal: Miss Cartwright or Miss Cynthia Cartwright
Contemporary: Cynthia Cartwright
(Note: "Ms." as a title is also appropriate for anyone over 18 years of age)
Single Man invited alone:
Formal: Mr. Anderson or Mr. Ben Anderson
Contemporary: Ben Anderson
Single Woman invited with an unknown guest:
Formal: Miss Cartwright and Guest or Miss Cynthia Cartwright and Guest
Contemporary: Cynthia Cartwright and Guest
Single Man invited with an unknown guest:
Formal: Mr. Anderson and Guest
Contemporary: Ben Anderson and Guest
Unmarried Couple:
Formal: Ms. Smith and Mr. Green or Ms. Colleen Smith and Mr. James Green
Contemporary: Colleen Smith and James Green
If children or families are invited, their names are listed under those of the parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown
Kevin and Katrina
The Brown Family
Andrea and Steve Brown
and Family
If single: Judge Brown
If married: Judge Brown and Mrs. Brown
Doctor (Medical):
If single: Doctor Grimes and Guest
If married - Female: Doctor Strokes and Mr. Strokes
If married - Male: Doctor and Mrs. Grimes
Doctor (PhD):
If single: Dr. Henry Skinner and Guest
If married - Female: Doctor Skinner and Mr. Skinner
If married - Male: Doctor and Mrs. Franklin
Married Couple, Both Doctors:
The Doctors Kelly
The Reverend White
Male, active duty or retired from service: Captain and Mrs. Greene
Female, active duty or retired from service: Captain Hart and Mr. Carl Waters
There you have it—your quick guide to perfect envelope addressing! With these tips, your invitations will be fabulously on-point.